August 24, 2016

T W O for Piper!

Piper turned two on Monday. It is so hard to believe two years has gone by since she joined The Walls household. I can barely remember life without her, and yet her two years went by in a super quick flash.

Blogging hasn't been on my radar as much, but it will be back in action regularly soon (stay tuned), and a birthday post for Piper seems like the best way to start it going. So in honor of my littlest pumpkin, a list of some my favorite things about you at age two Pipey.

1. Your smile. Those dimples and the way your eyes light up. (Extra points if it's after you've done something you know you shouldn't.)

2. Your intense love for horses and dogs. You would be content to ride the horses at Meem and Pop's house or pet Ginger, our neighbors dog, all day long. Again and again.

3. The way you know what you want, and how to get it.

4. The way you say tickle daddy! and attack him every single night- especially before bed time when you're supposed to be winding down.

5. You're incredibly physically capable- you can climb on things on the playground with the four year olds and not bat an eyelash.

6. The fact that you can blow your own nose. This is sort of astounding!

7. You run everywhere. It is almost as if walking isn't in your repertoire of movement and you expect to go fast or faster. Nothing else.

8. Your face when you swing and say "push higher mama!"

9. How hard you play- how hard it is to calm down-  and how hard you sleep when your day is done.

10. You already have a preference for specific shoes. Girl after my own heart. Sorry we don't have red shoes as you requested this morning; I'll work on that.

11. I love how spunky you are. Some may call it terrible twos, but you are just the most hilarious kid when you have tantrums and I often find myself giving daddy, grammy, and grandpa a stern look to get them to stop laughing at your antics.

12. Huggies are your favorite. And mine too.

13. Those pacifiers. You call them bobbies and you adore them. They are your best buddies sometimes and it is adorable. Let people say they will screw up your teeth, you can keep them awhile, my girl.

14. Your love of "ice peam" aka ice cream.

15. The way you idolize Sienna and want to have every.single.toy. she has. I realize that it's frustrating for you, but it is also adorable. Sienna tries her best to share, too. You guys are the cutest little friends.

16. Cuddling with you every morning and after nap when mama's lap is the only place you think is good enough to sit. (Totally fine with me!)

17. The fact that you say you miss people you love. Specifically, missing "wee wa" or Olivia, is my favorite. You are only two but you already know who your people are.

18. Your love for the beach and the ocean- and new places - and for learning constantly. I know all kids like to learn, but you are a special breed of curiosity.

19. The way you talk. The sweetest little voice. It melts my heart. When you are being rocked in your chair at night, you always look up and say "mommy? mommy?' a few times just to check I am there before snuggling in.

20. You are already empathetic. When Sienna is hurt you run over and say "Nanni, it otay!" and rub her back until she calms down. You pat my arm when I am holding you and the other day gave me a kiss on the foot after I stubbed my toe. I am not sure if we teach you this, or if it's just part of you, but I'm thankful you've got this gift.

We love you beyond your wildest imagination, our sweet little firecracker!! Happy Second Birthday, baby girl!

Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk: July 2016

Avalon August 2016

Avalon August 2016

Morning relaxing on my Birthday! 

Cake on my Birthday!

Being a total ham and making sure Sienna doesn't cut me out of the photo! 

Lemonade Stand with Sienna, August 2016

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