April 14, 2011

The Interwebs Take Flight with me!

I started this blog last night... and then today... I got on my (southwest) plane and WIFI! Woohoo. But here is the thing, I am almost freaked out by the fact that 30,000 miles in the air (wait, is that really how high we fly?) I can be connected to facebook so I don't miss the random chick I'm not really even friends with from college's baby's first smile on the playground that is not their usual playground. Hey Alyssa, I don't mean you. You wrote me blog love mail, and you (and your adorable Ryan) have won my heart for that.

I digress. Here's my post from last night. Don't worry, I am watching over you from wayyy up in the sky.

Let's discuss my thoughts on flying. Because, well, I am still mixed on them myself. And tomorrow morning, I get on a flight to Texas for a conference. By myself. Every time I am preparing for a flight, I get butterflies the two days before. This is bizarre for a number of reasons, but most of all because I am not actually afraid to fly. I realize I could crash to my death at any minute that my chances of getting in a plane crash are minuscule and that I am way more likely to back my car into the garage door get in a fender bender a mile from home, but something in me gets all hyped up. Another reason this is somewhat bizarre is because I fly a lot. And alone alot. Last year, I flew almost every other weekend. The year before for residency interviews, I flew a whole lot. And to random places. Like Denver Colorado but in the middle of nowhere, and I also found myself sun-bathing at the pool of a Hilton in Miami when the temp read a mere 71 degrees. Most of all though, I LIKE flying. But none the less, every time, I am wishing someone could give me a shot and make me pass out until take off. See, that's the other thing. I don't mind once we are in the air... or landing... or getting off the plane.

I think the truth is, I hate the packing, the organizing, the waiting. I get nervous that if the traffic is bad I will miss my flight, but I pair that with the smallest margin of time (45 mins) at the airport to check in and get to my gate. Crazy I tell you. I can't make up my mind. I also think the other part I hate the most is the unknown of who might sit next to me. I did much better on my flight to Hawaii knowing J was the only person by my side. In my days of traveling, I have, no exaggeration, sat next to:
1. A very large smelly man whose shirt was soaked in sweat.
2. A chatty kathy who saw my wedding magazine (sigh i miss those days) and proceeded to ask me every detail of my wedding, including how many carats my engagement ring is, who was paying, and where I would get my shoes.
3. A drunk dude who puked 10 minutes into the flight.
4. In front of a small blonde child with curly hair who screamed bloody murder and kicked my seat.
5. A very attractive guy who was so perfect looking and put together that I was afraid to ask him if I could get up to pee because I might disturb his gelled hair and guccio shoes.

**Update: Today I am sitting next to a minor who proceeded to tell me her entire story of where she is going and why. But now she is quietly playing angry birds. So I'm safe.

I realize this is a total stream of consciousness and that you have probably all stopped reading by now. Hopefully my flight tomorrow will be smoooooth sailing. I will say I am really excited to get to San Antonio, see some of my old colleagues and good friends, and enjoy some sunshine - even if it's only a few hours after the conference ends each day.

Southwest, I also sort of love you for this in flight Wi-Fi. For only $5. Sure it would be better if it were free... but I think $5 is a pretty good deal. So next time you're ready to take off flying, remember a few things:
-If it's after 10 am you can indeed have a cocktail (my 8 am flight was a bit too early)
-I'm pro-make yourself pass out if your next door neighbor is weird-meds.
-If you fly SW, check in early. Get an A boarding pass.
-Maybe if you pray a lot the night before, you won't get seated next to a weirdo (worked for the most part today)
-Bring snacks if you are like me and turn into a monster when you're hungry. The peanuts/pretzels don't cut it.

I'm off to enjoy a mid-morning nap since the plane is lulling me to sleep. I committed a major sin and forgot my camera (I know, horrible blogger, right?!) so I won't be able to share the beauty of San Antonio, but I'll be back (maybe on my flight home) to update on my few days in the great big state of Texas.



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