April 24, 2011

Tape it, Danno.

Okay so it's book it, danno. But that popped into my head. Happy Easter everyone! I am exhausted after spending a day running around with our niece and nephew and eating a lot of chocolate. So this post will be short and sweet and to the point. The point is for this post- I Helped! And we even have photo evidence. I am sort of on the edge of whether or not to post said pics, because I am in sweats and not looking my best, but alas, I was doing work on our kitchen and legit had my  hands dirty. After all the drywall went up, we had to tape the drywall. That means basically close off all the seams. I asked if we could skip this part of the process since the cabinets will cover everything, but J told me bugs can get in. EWWWW. I hate hate hate bugs.

Here it is in process.

Surprise surprise, look who is wearing 10 year old ripped jeans for this project? But, this is a really messy job so these $7 jeans (confession- I have no idea how much this pair actually cost) were probably appropriate.

Look! There I am! Nice old sweatpants. But none the less, there I am. Standing on a chair to "tape" the drywall of the ceiling. I was quite good at this, actually. It looks really messy, but it is a relatively exact art.

Here's the room all taped up. Do you notice that little red line around the top of the room? That line is being emitted from the hands down coolest tool I've seen yet. I didn't even know we owned it. J told me nicely with his big brown puppy dog eyes that it was "more expensive because it's the good kind". It is a level. But the coolest kind. I'll get into that in our next post... because guess what else?! We have CABINETS hanging in our kitchen now!! Not all of them, and not perfectly, but some are up. And I'm proud. We're moving along. Our deadline of May 14 might actually happen!!

Happy Easter! Hope the bunny visited your home!


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