August 15, 2012

my hubby, the athlete.

Last weekend, J did the North East Maryland triathlon. He barely trained. He crushed almost everyone (for real he was top 20) in the swim. That's my retired lifeguard at work. I was really proud of him, and so was Sienna. We cheered on daddy from the gorgeous little park!

Oh also lately I'm obsessed with my maya sling. It has a zip pocket for keys and such, it's easy to get on, and Sienna likes to be held upright on my hip. This helps a lot with long periods of holding her, especially if we are pretty still. If I am on the go, we use the Ergo.

I spotted J on the bike. I have to be honest, I wasn't positive it was him at first because he swore to me his good friend would pass him on the bike. But not so true. I snapped some photos as quickly as I could! I also saw him start and end then run!

Go Jamie Go! And after, a little celebration!

What good athletes! And what a gorgeous summer day. So glad S and I got down there to watch daddy race!


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