March 9, 2013

Is spring coming? Ever? Please. I NEED IT.

We had a sick week in our house this week.

I don't mean a sick day. I mean a sick week. We had all the gross things they tell you to prepare for as a parent- projectile vomiting, really horrid diapers, fevers, rashes, red noses and stuffy noses, a cough that sounded like a grown man from a tiny baby girl, and a double "bulging" ear infection. Yikes, yikes, yikes.

I managed to squeeze home a few hours early or get into work a few minutes late on the days I had to be in the office. As if the work Gods were smiling down on me, it was my lightest week in a long time. We did a ton of cuddling. And oh, did I mention that weaning during sickness is maybe the worst thing ever? Imagine your already whiny tearful babe pulling at you screaming "MAMA". So yep, I gave in. But we are working really hard on transitioning from nursing to bottles and sippy cups. We spent minutes and minutes and hours swaddled in a blanket together this week slowly sipping milk and letting my usual little to no tv baby gaze at Sesame Street or Mickey or whatever could keep her calm. I pulled her close, smelled her baby scent (which is fading for sure...) and enjoyed my quiet moments, even if I knew they were fleeting and followed by a difficult to console munchkin.

All this to say.... my goodness, my heart hurts when this little one is sick and this is seriously hard work! A huge thanks to my mom and our nanny. Both provided us some moments of relief and good home cooked meals this week when I am quite sure I wouldn't have been able to cook them myself with my child clinging to me (imagine a baby squirrel holding to a tree for dear life). To keep Sienna happy yesterday, we couldn't put clothes on her. I don't know but I didn't ask questions, I just let it be.

But I think we are emerging. Today it's dare I say it--sunny and warm. We went outside! We went on a walk! We went to watch daddy play in the Easter Seals volleyball tournament! We are also on day two of antibiotics (this mama fought the need for them for 5 days but gave in when we landed ourselves in the peds office Friday morning with the ear infection times two), so I think things are looking up.

Hello sunshine. Hello warmth. Stay with us, WE NEED YOU!


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