October 10, 2013

I knew I spoke too soon... Also my mom is my hero

Yesterday I posted about how we outgrew the 18 month sleep regression- yay. And how things seemed to start to go back to normal.

I should have never written it down because the internet gods looked down on me and laughed and laughed and then sent me home after work to a projective vomiting almost-103 fevered baby.

Last night I slept on the couch (if you can call waking up every hour with a poor babe who was whining and sweating). I set up the pack in play in the living room so S was never out of arm's reach of me. I prayed the vomiting would stop overnight and it did. I mean, thank God because something needed to give.

I'm pretty sure on top of teething and a fever that S is getting her two year molars. The perfect most horrible storm.  I get so anxious when she's sick- which I am sure is because of our two day admission to the children's hospital last time she had a stomach virus that lasted a raging 13 days. A sick baby is my kryptonite. J always reassures me it will get better. Unfortunately our work schedules this week have been crazy and we don't know who's coming or going and who is sleeping or not sleeping. I know some parents have it way worse, and I'm not saying poor me. But this is reality in my house right now.

I've never (ever ever ever ever) been more thankful than my mom than when she helps me take care of a sick little S. Okay, fine I was alllllmost as thankful after I had S and she did things like made sure my sheets were clean and brought meals and held the baby so I could sneak in naps. But she continues to prove herself as my hero time and time again. I'm not saying I'm not a good mom, but.... I have a long way to go to get to her selfless amazing no complaints just take care of things and be grateful while she's doing it level of awesome.

So here are our lessons:
a) Don't write about how great things are going with your baby because you'll be wrong the next day
b) Hug your mom. It's a damn hard job.
c) Hug my mom if you see her- she's the best there is.



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