January 2, 2012

Pinterest inspired Grocery + Menu Challenge

This weekend we cleaned out our fridge. 2011 was gone, and the food that expired in probably month nine had to go. We Jamie realized how much food money we must waste by throwing out the leftovers that are never touched, the yogurts that expire, and the salad we never used... So we figured we should make an actual grocery shopping list. Ya know, one that we follow and that makes meals. I turned to Pintest and J and I spent an hour this afternoon picking and choosing nutritious semi healthy meals.

I'm sharing our menu in order to keep me on track. The plan is to cook the meals we have planned for the week. I know some people do a whole month, but my brain doesn't work that way and let's face it- sometimes you just need a pizza night. So for now, let's go for Tuesday through Sunday. But I am hoping until baby arrives we can keep some semblance of this plan.

This Week's Menu

Tuesday Evening
Light caesar salad

Wednesday Evening
Chunky Tomato Soup

Thursday Evening

Friday Evening
sweet potato tater tots
Sugar cookies for dessert

Saturday Breakfast

Saturday Lunch
Leftovers or Zucchini Pizza

Saturday Dinner
Garden Salad

Sunday Breakfast
English Muffins with Jam
Scrambled eggs or cereal

Wish me luck! I will take photos each night this week so I can prove to the internet world myself that I am capable of this. And who knows, I might pick up a new favorite along the way!


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