May 10, 2011

Remember that part of the MOH speech?? Countertop Drama Part 2

One of my MOHs in our wedding, Jess, gave a speech that was pretty on point. In it, she was telling J things he should know about me. One of them was... when Meg wants something, she gets it. Well countertop company, maybe you should have been at our wedding, learned the lesson, and wasted approximately 18 phone calls less of your time. The counter people called J today (They avoid me like the plague). They said they can install on Tuesday. TUESDAY as in 3 days AFTER we have a house full of people. I called them back. They did not answer. I think my cell phone comes up as "DO NOT ANSWER, CRAZY CALLING" or something like that. The funny thing is, I am totally nice to them. I just push. Maybe a lot.

Anywho, I decided to take matters into my own hands because J is a very very nice human being and doesn't like to ruffle feathers. (Yeah, I know, how did he choose to marry me?) I ruffled feathers, I think I maybe even tarred and feathered. But eventually, after speaking to Michael from Ikea x 3 (Thank you Michael, you are very very nice and well mannered), his manager, and a manager at the countertop company, they changed their tune of delivery from Tuesday to Friday morning. That is much better.

It still means that pile of crap you saw in my house here will still be there on Friday morning. Umm that doesn't work. Because the people are coming to clean my house Friday morning. So somehow, between now and Friday, I need to "fake put away" things and organize and make it cleaned up ENOUGH that the cleaning people can come. In the mood of full disclosure, we use The Maids for the big time house cleanings (parties, wedding, etc). If I had no job and tons of time, sure I could do it all. But, I can't. So occasionally I pass the job to someone else. This week, cleaning is just one of those things. Pray for me. I hope grandma puts her rosary outside for sunshine on Saturday, but also for countertops on Friday. Can you pray to Mary and Jesus for countertop installation to be done on time? Unclear if that's appropriate, but hell heck, I'll give it a try (also don't think you should say hell when asking for prayers probably??)

I sort of felt like this today:
Since the countertop people are coming on Friday instead of Tuesday though, I think this is a better representation of how I feel now:

Calm, cool, and collected like one of the Jonas Brothers. What? I actually just googled "person going crazy" and this came up. I thought it was funny. I also have to admit I have watched Camp Rock ... and Camp Rock 2. Joe Jonas, you are indeed a teenage heartthrob. And I bet you could also convince counter people to move more quickly.

Oh, I just want to state for the record, that I think my assertive skills are sustained and encouraged by my friends. One time, in an airport in Florida, my friends convinced the people who canceled my flight (inappropriately) to book me on a new one- a direct one- on a different airline, or that we'd talk to management (I mean for real, who do we think we are sometimes?). It worked. I got home, quickly.

Score 1 for being assertive. And also score 1 for the mini brownie bites I brought to work today for my department that helped fuel me in my efforts. That's 2 points for me. Ding ding ding, I win!


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