Though my patience runs out some days and I know we are both trying to get the hang of this adjusting to a newborn in the house thing... there are things I want you to know.
I miss you painfully at times. Before Piper, it was just you and me on our days home. There was a lot of cuddling (before and after nap), laying in bed watching movies towards the end of my pregnancy, and there was tons of attention for just you. When you scraped your knee outside and yelled for me, I ran. When you wanted a snack, you asked me. When you wanted to laugh, you found humor in the silliest things and we laughed together endlessly.
Sweet girl, things have changed, yes. But you'll always be my baby girl. You are the one who built me up and broke me down in those first days of motherhood over two years ago. You are the one who taught me that crying newborns can still be very happy infants. You showed me the ropes- we grew together. No one- not another sibling nor anyone else- will ever have that bond. We learned how to do this mama and baby thing together- and each milestone you reach shows me again how to navigate the crazy waters of parenting.
It's not perfect right now- you and I are both figuring out how to find our groove again. But I promise you this- I promise that in a few months when Piper doesn't need so much constant care, I have a ton of adventures planned for us. You will always be high on my priority list. And I'll always love you in a way that I will never love anyone else- and you will forever be my little buddy.
Hang in there sweet girl. One day we will look back at these days and laugh.