It's no surprise to anyone that daylight savings screws with babies and toddlers.
I THOUGHT we were in the clear. The day after daylight savings? Sienna slept until 7 (so really 8!) and Piper slept until 7:40 (really 8:40!) Latest days they've ever slept. I suspect it was due to the trick or treating and later bed times the night before. Either way I breathed a sigh of relief too soon.
My kids just seem so out of sorts with sleep. Sienna is tired earlier at night from early wake ups, and ends up passing out before 7pm if she doesn't take a nap. Piper is awake before 6am and cranky at a time that's too early for morning nap.
I can deal with morning darkness if we can snooze longer. I totally TOTALLY wish I was one of those moms who got up at 5:30 before their kids every day, got ready, dressed, and was happily singing with a cup of coffee by the time they wake up... But, I'm not. I am totally the mom who listens for the first cry and then gets up, handling the Keurig in one hand and Pipes in the other. Piper USED to sleep later than Sienna, which was joyful, but not anymore...
I hope people are getting sleep. My tired girls say they want their old time back! And mama does too!
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