April 13, 2013

We're alive over here

The blog has been silent because all of my energy has gone into taking care of little S.

Sometime at the end of last week, she caught a nasty GI bug. Last weekend she was just sort of clingy and tired, but by Sunday evening she cried at bed time and by Monday we had a full on virus including projectile vomit (lovely). Also, she had a case of red bumps on her head unlike anything I've ever seen- looked like swollen lymphnodes but not in the right places.

Today is day nine of this. On Monday night S was so dehydrated and hadn't peed in over 12 hours. She wouldn't drink. She only cried and wanted to be held. She kept throwing up. We landed ourselves in the ER and had a two day admission to the hospital. It was the worst. It gave me a new perspective of parents with chronically ill kiddos who spend days and days and hours on end in there. With a one year old, who has no clue what's going on, there are lots of tears and what it produced was a baby who was scared to be anywhere but in my arms. With a diagnosis of gastroenteritis and a nice secondary diagnosis of a E.coli bacterial UTI, we took our sad and still very sick girl home.

Day nine. We are still struggling. But we saw smiles and giggles today. She let me put her down to play. Not for long- but it's an improvement. Her crib is her worst nightmare but we're slowly- very slowly getting her used to it again and we are avoiding the bed time screaming.

I hope we are totally healed soon. My poor girl is just not herself. I want my happy go lucky kiddo back again.

Send us love- or food- or something to make this go away.

Love from the trenches,
A VERY tired mama.

PS Thank you mom + dad for making sure we got through the worst of this. We quite literally would have fallen apart with you this week.


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