Thirty weeks pregnant. Ten weeks left and this pregnancy is flying by much faster than the last one. It's also reminding me why third tri exists- to prep you for baby and remember how nice it felt to breathe without something pushing on your airway.
Weeks: 30 + a few days.
Feeling: This week I am feeling pretty good. We had an amazing father's day weekend with the family and got to have a little downtime both days during Sienna's nap. I find that if I have an hour or two to rest during the day, I overall feel better. I'm totally looking forward to meeting this little one and find myself talking to her more these days (sometimes about random things, sometimes to tell her to please move away from my ribs).
Belly: My belly button looks like it may pop out this time! It never did when pregnant with Sienna. At night it feels heavy so I need a pillow under it even when on my side.
Movement: All the darn time. It's honestly such a great feeling. Last pregnancy S gave me a run for my money and even landed me in triage one night to check on her. This pregnancy it's so nice that every few minutes I get a "tap tap hi mom!"
Craving: Cold water. Cold gatorade. Cold lemonade. It's getting hot. I am wanting less heavy food and more really cold beverages. I carry my insulated cup around 24/7 and am a water monster. Soon I'll float away.
Gender: Still a girl. Sienna now calls her baby SISTER. AH! Adorable!
Other symptoms: Braxton hicks any time I have to pee. Sort of weird. Insomnia circa 4 am. Oh and I get random periods when she must be resting funny on my airway but I really can't breathe- I have to take these slow exaggerated breaths. It also happens after dinner but I should blame that on the decreasing stomach space and food and not the baby maybe? But... also a dose of the happy hormones- really getting excited to meet this little girl and picturing her and Sienna loving each other.
Random thoughts: We did join a pool as I said we needed to a couple weeks ago. It's still hot. What do you do with a toddler on the 15th rainy day of the summer? I have to bring Sienna to my OB appointment tomorrow, I'm terrified.
Looking forward to: A little pseudo babymoon this weekend with J- Rehoboth for a few nights and leaving Sienna with her two favorite humans- grammy and grandpa. Wish I could indulge in a nice glass of wine!
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