Weeks: 34 weeks, 5 days.
Feeling: At the risk of being the complainy/whiny pregnant woman in the room, I feel lousy. I have my good hours for sure, but the braxton hicks/perhaps real contractions that seem to be occuring every 7-30 minutes are really driving me crazy and they are painful. My back and sides feel crampy constantly and my GI system is wacky. Five more weeks of this feels insane, but I am also praying she hands in another 16 days. That's the countdown until 37 weeks. That's the first goal to make it to. After that, 39 will be my next hoorah!
On the upside, I am feeling way more prepared for labor and a newborn than the first go round. It's a whole different world with some perspective from the other side.
Belly: Belly button totally popped out. Belly definitely a lot lower- no more difficulty breathing unless I sit in a bad position. And I have to say, at least everyone knows I'm pregnant and no one is wondering if I am waddling or gaining weight for no reason.
Movement: Huge movements. Especially if laying on my side. Sometimes it is a huge elbow or knee I see protruding, other times I feel her entire butt move across my rib cage. I also feel movement REALLY low down- always makes me have to pee!
Craving: Waterade (aka half water half gatorade, with ice). Still sleep. Sweets again. Uh oh. And also regular milk which is bizarre because I'm lactose intollerant.
Gender: GIRL.
Other symptoms: Still worried about this little poptart staying in there long enough. My legs and back feel tired. Oh! And nosebleeds!
Random thoughts: I am so so tired of worrying about impending labor. Every time I get a really painful contraction, I start timing but without fail nothing consistent or regular has occurred yet. I just want to make it to at least 37 weeks. Sick of sitting around with my feet up for sure!
Looking forward to: Doctor's appointment Friday. Hoping I can make it to friends' wedding this weekend. Not yet, I don't want this just yet... But eventually having my body (half) my body again when I deliver (but am still nursing).
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