Weeks: 36 weeks, 5 days. FRIDAY is 37 weeks! Yay! This sweatshirt was the same one I wore in my 20 week shot, it apparently isn't fully doing its job anymore. But it's still super comfy!
Feeling: Crampy contractions and back pain constantly. Waiver between wanting baby to get here and getting some of body back and wanting her to stay put a few more weeks!
Belly: Oh my goodness, if you can't tell in this photo, it's SO LOW. I don't think I ever dropped this low with Sienna. It's almost comical!
Movement: Losing space in there for sure, so movements are slow but steady.
Craving: Just liquids all the time. Gatorade mixed with water is still the go to, but occasionally I crave a little bit of soda and am allowing myself to go for it at this point. Bananas and peanut butter are my fav snack.
Gender: I sure hope it's still a girl, Sienna is SURE her name will be Minnie.
Other symptoms: Nausea! Yuck! Thought I got rid of that first tri but it's back. More nose bleeds. Leg pain that is not fun.
Random thoughts: Thankful to almost be 37 weeks. Annoyed with all the contractions because I don't think I should be in pain and not sleeping BEFORE the new baby comes, isn't that what the first 6 weeks postpartum is for? Can't wait to see what this little one looks like and if she's Sienna's twin when she arrives. I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY PARENTS. They have been helping with Sienna endlessly on my bad days and I cannot even imagine not having them. Jamie and I are the luckiest luckiest people to have them, especially my forever self-less mama.
Looking forward to: Doctor's appointment Friday and getting another update on my status. One day, no day soon, sleeping again for more than a few hours and on my stomach. Seeing Sienna meet baby the first time- she is getting excited and keeps asking when she's coming. J put the double stroller together the other day and she said "I need my baby sister!!!"
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