September 11, 2013

Diary of a Working Mom.

Today was just one of those days.
First, we slept past regular time (we don't even set an alarm, we have a Sienna. Almost every day we hear her by 6 am)
6:42: Sienna is singing in her room. Then crying. Then saying "mommy! mommy!" repeat x30
6:43: J and I exchange looks- who will get her?
6:50: Sienna is in our bed with her milk watching Curious George. Both of us too tired to move.
7:00: Should you shower? Should I shower? Someone has to shower.
7:05: Jamie showers, I play with Sienna who is now beeping the cat's nose.
7:15: Sienna took off her pajama shirt, I'm trying to get it back on.
7:20: Sienna opens bathroom door, wants to hold everything Jamie has.
7:25: J goes to get dressed. I turn to use the bathroom with Sienna still in there.
7:26: I look up and realize Sienna stuck her finger in the pomade for J's hair. It's all over.
7:27: Scrub toddler's hands. Scrub toddler's chest (what?!). Comb hair into GREASY ponytail
7:35: J takes Sienna downstairs (with a new shirt) for cereal and play time.
7:37-7:55: Shower, brush teeth, half dry hair
7:56: Sienna opens bathroom door, wants to play with me.
7:57: Dry hair with Sienna in the same room. Let her play with whatever she wants.
8:00: J is out the door- oops we forgot it's trash day.
8:05: Get dressed, get S downstairs.  Play while trying to get coffee, lunch together, and breakfast.
8:15: Nanny arrives
8:17: I run out the door. I forget my ID
8:18: Run out the door again. Call mom on my way to work to discuss unrelated travel plans.
8: something? Who even knows. Coffee in hand, RUN into work because I'm running late.
9:00: First patient. Work all day.
4:30: Drive to tutoring.
4:45-6:15: Tutor
6:20: Start drive home. Call Jamie. They are outside on a walk and S has not eaten dinner.
6:33: Call Kelly. Vent about my day. Feel lucky to have a good friend.
6:50: Arrive home.  S is still outside with J on a walk.
6:53: Run inside, get dinner together for Sienna (this is SO late. She eats at 5:45)
6:55: Sienna eating, after half a bowl of spaghetti she's finished. And thirsty.
         Water, then a mini ice cream cone.
7:05: J leaves to do a few things outside the house.
7:06: Pour milk, grab lovies, take S upstairs.
{Note Sienna usually already in bed at this point}
7:08: Bath time
7:17: Wrestle slippery toddler out of tub and tell her it's time for books.
7:18: Toddler wriggles out of way x3 to avoid a diaper
7:22: Dressed & diapered toddler reading books
7:42: Whining that "no no bed. Pease (please) no bed mama" as I put her in bed.
7:44: After 2 verses of twinkle twinkle and eight kisses, close her door.
7:50: She's doing anything but sleeping, I am watching her monitor
7:53: I should eat something. I drop a glass on the floor, almost break it. Give up.
7:54: Revert to cheddar cheese puffs and half of a muffin with orange juice for dinner.
7:57: Phone call from Sarah. Explain the day's mess and chat while she walks home.
8:11: Finally a sleeping toddler.
8:12: Let out a sigh. Clean up. Put things away.  Feed the cat. Crash on my bed.
... somehow it's 10pm. I'm not asleep. I wish I was.
On the bright side, look how aggressively she's going after that ice cream cone- girl after my own heart.
Time to turn in so we can do it all over again tomorrow. Busy days over here.


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