Sort of crazy because halfway there with Sienna seemed to take forever. Halfway there with baby two seems like it happened overnight. Here we are moving along with the belly. Sweatshirt on the left? I live in it. It's not maternity but makes me feel like a half normal person.
Feeling: Still tired. More excited.
Belly: Growing daily. Last night my mom said "no one would mistake that you're pregnant now"
Movement: Yes, but once again my placenta is anterior so it's dull. Except when I feel movement straight down. Not my favorite. Mostly in the morning, which is complete opposite from Sienna.
Craving: Lots of salt. And lots of water. I guess this makes sense.
Gender: GIRL! Sienna is getting a baby sister!
Random thoughts: I need to figure out where this baby is going to sleep. We know we won't stay in this house forever, and sort of don't want to turn another room into a nursery. TBD.
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