December 7, 2011

Unsolicited Advice.... You can't make this stuff up....

I was in the post office today.   The lady behind me was the kind who wants to talk to you even if you try to make it known you're not super interested. I tried smiling and then ignoring, but she kept talking. In no more than six minutes, I heard the following tidbits of info.

1. She can't find her ID. It doesn't expire until 2013. She will be very upset if she has to go to the DMV.
2. BUT she is changing her name in July anyway (trying to prompt wedding convo), so it's okay.

(and my favorite- her advice to me regarding pregnancy & delivery)
3. If you are tired after you have your baby, just have them take the baby to the NICU. You will have many sleepless nights once baby comes home, so if you send them to the NICU in the hospital you can rest more.

Ummm..... last time I checked every mom is tired after child birth. That's not what the NICU is for. But thank you random lady for your advice and information. I'll be sure to take note. I bet I looked like this:

Except minus the blonde hair and the phone.

Happy Holiday errand-ing!


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